Have You Gotten Your Blue Bell, PA Home Inspection Report?

Whether you’re buying or selling a home, getting a home inspection report can help prevent unexpected surprises during the process. Unfortunately, these reports can sometimes be complicated to understand. The MHX Designs team is here to help. 

We’d be happy to sit down with you to assess your home inspection report so you can feel confident moving forward with the sale or purchase of the home. If you’d like us to review the findings in your report, please call us at 888-944-6493 or contact us online

Bluebell, PA Home Inspection Report

What Does a Home Inspection Report Include?

When you receive your home inspection report, it helps to know what exactly you’re looking at. While each home inspector will have their own method and format for putting together a report, there are a few things you can expect to see, which include the following: 

  • General information about the house like the build date, square footage, etc
  • A table of contents
  • A summary of the report, including major issues with the home
  • Details about the home’s major systems and any defects they may have
  • Information about the structural components of the home, like the foundation
  • Details about different roof features such as the shingles and flashing
  • An overview of the plumbing systems, including the drains, pipes, and water heating equipment
  • Information about the heating and cooling systems
  • Details about electrical equipment in the home

If there are any defects with the major systems in the home, the report will also include recommendations about how to handle the defects. For example, if the HVAC system is starting to break down, the report may recommend when to replace it. 

You can view samples of home inspection reports to get a better idea of what to expect when you receive yours.

What Does a Home Inspection Report Not Include?

While a home inspection report is fairly detailed, there is some key information that it won’t cover. Specifically, your Bluebell, PA, report won’t include details about the condition of the following: 

  • The septic system 
  • Wells 
  • The inside of the walls

Because home inspectors don’t have the proper equipment to inspect wells or septic systems, they can’t give you insight into these areas of the home. Similarly, the inspector can’t see any issues behind the walls without doing damage to the property, so there’s no way for them to evaluate that space. 

However, you can hire specialized contractors to inspect these areas to search for operational problems or issues like mold growth. 

While your home inspection report will have recommendations for repairs, it will not include estimated costs for those repairs. Instead, you’ll have to find a contractor to give you quotes on those repairs. 

Our team here at MHX Designs would be happy to review your report with you and give you quotes for the recommended repairs so you know what to expect if you decide to move forward with the projects. 

Red Flags to Watch for in a Home Inspection Report

Only you can decide the best way to move forward after receiving a home inspection report. However, if there are any issues found with the following areas of the home, it can be a red flag. 

Electrical systems: If the electrical panels around a home are old or outdated, there may be serious wiring issues. 

Foundation: Damage to the foundation can impact the structural integrity of the home, resulting in the need for expensive repairs. 

HVAC systems: Most HVAC systems can last between 15-25 years, but issues can arise before then. If the system isn’t working properly, it can impact your home’s overall efficiency and impact your electricity bills. 

Plumbing systems: If the plumbing system is leaking, there’s a good chance your report will show that since home inspectors will check for water stains on the walls or ceilings. In some cases, the presence of water means there could be mold growth, which can lead to respiratory issues.

Roof: Issues with the roof, particularly water damage, can often extend below the shingles. This can result in the need for more costly repairs.

MHX Designs Is Here to Help

Don’t feel like you have to read and evaluate your home inspection report alone. The MHX Designs team will review your report with you, evaluate which repairs are most needed, and provide you with free, no-obligation quotes for the repair projects. As a result, you can feel confident about making the best choice on how to move forward. 

When you’re ready to get started, please don’t hesitate to reach out by calling us at 888-944-6493 or contacting us online.